
Monday, August 29, 2011

Friday, August 19, 2011
Yoga Bare
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
The Battle Hymn of the Ermas
An Army of Ermas: Making you spew coffee on your monitor since 2009 2010 what seems like a long time ago. The Ermas salute Stacey Graham, Friend, Founder, and Fearsome Leader.
(With customary solemnity by the Captain & Mrs. Captain Mullis)
The call went forth from mountain-top
To take the mighty pen
And wield against the sadditudes
To make them laugh again
The answer came from far and wide
Across this terra firma
"We come! We come! With flashing gags!
The Army of the Erma!"
And so they came, from every land
The innocent and racy,
To answer Zombie Nature's call
Obeying General Stacey
With limericks and doggerel,
With punchlines and with giggles.
In bold italic Arial
And small handwritten squiggles.
She sent them out against the Dour
To fill the world with laughter
And out they went good willingly
Although they didn't hafter.
With jokes and japes and cheesy puns
Hilarity ensued
While much of it was family-style
Some was blushed with lewd.
So every year on August ninth
Our wine in sippy cup
We raise a toast to General Stace
And put our bottoms up!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Better than American Idol and you learn Geography Too!

Why, yes, contrary to the propaganda spread by my offspring, I do have friends! Talented ones! Humongous thanks to Lisa Allen, who has taken time away from training for the Scottish games to entertain you while I’m away. What? Not training for the Scottish games? Would you believe the Olympic Games?
Would you believe a lightning round of World of Warcraft when she’s supposed to be making dinner?
Please welcome Lisa, who is patient enough to put up with my ramblings AND the Captain’s AND David’s and still manages to have a life.