It do seem thar be many a lissome wench wanting a piece of me booty. And even one or two what seemed to be manly sorts -- I do assume ye be wanting the shoes fer yer own women-folk, but that be none o' me business, after all.
The crew gathered in the Cap'n's cabin and wrote down the names on identical slips o' the finest sticky-note parchment.
I chose me most favoritest pirate hat fer the drawing...

And dropped the names in, very dramatic-like, as if they was so many pieces of eight...

I got me mate Bo to help with the drawing.

Unfortunately, the scallywag is a bit of a slobbererer...

O' course, he did have the sense to be ever so slightly embarrassed when I pointed this out to 'im.

So I called upon me other crew members and volunteered (by stint o' him drawing the short straw) the one called Son Two, the Claw Hand o' Doom...

A hush fell o'er the whole ship as the Claw Hand o' Doom fumbled with the itty-bitty pieces of parchment....

Finally, we have a winner. And that winner be....
Plaid Earthworm, also known as Beth Bartlett! Now that be a fine piratey wench name! Send Lady AmyDoodle yer mailing address (Facebook message,, or a note in a bottle of rum), and we'll get the goods out to ye by the next postal dinghy!

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