It’s not that I don’t get embarrassed. There’s a name for the special shade of red I turned when my youngest son jumped the communion rail at church. But after years of doling out sermons on the subject, I’ve done the unthinkable, and I have the decency to feel a bit bashful about my lapse.
But since I’m 48 years old, I feel that I have earned the privilege to balance my walker on the wild side. So when I was wheeling my buggy down the aisle of the local Super Duper Market, I grabbed a bottle of water that was on sale.
That’s right. I paid for water. If Jennifer Aniston can do it, so can I. We have a lot in common, after all. She shaves one leg at a time just like I do. Except that she can afford laser removal and will probably stay silky smooth all her life, and I’m at the age when random hairs shoot out of various body parts with alarming frequency, requiring a doctor wielding lasers like Jesse James with a pair of six shooters to keep up.
Later, as Bill and I unloaded the groceries together, a little bonding exercise I like to call Marital Freezer Burn, hubby dear took the opportunity to lighten the mood with witty commentary. I kept busy trying to hide the bottled water beneath the Brussels sprouts. He’s a good sport, but he’s listened to so many speeches about money wasted on water over the years, the man is afraid to throw a penny in a wishing well.
“You got liver.” He made accompanying facial gestures that either indicated disapproval or suggested he had his boxers on backwards.
“It’s good for you.”
“I don’t eat internal organs.”
“Oh, it’s not to eat. It’s for a possible donor situation.”
“Very funny. What’re you hiding under the vegetables?”
“I’m not hiding anything. There are no secrets in our marriage.”
“What about the Johnny Depp poster you’ve got stashed in your women’s magazine?”
Drat. I planned an undercover Depp relocation for later that evening. “That doesn’t count. Besides, you’ve got Penelope Cruz stuck in that National Geographic in the bathroom.” I started edging down the hall with the grocery bag.
“What’s in the bag? Did you get saturated fat?”
“Yes. I’ll show it to you later.” I gave him what I hoped was a come hither look. “After the kids are in bed.”
“Did you drop your contact in the cat food again? You’re making that scrunchy face.”
I sighed. The hall was inches away. Trying not to draw attention to the grocery bag, I turned to saunter nonchalantly away.
“So. Is it a member of the crunchy fried family?”
“Ummm, I’d say it’s more smooth.”
“So it’s not pork rinds? You never get me anything I like.”
“Last week I let you have turkey bacon.”
“I’ll alert the media.”
“I’m looking out for your health.”
Sensing junk food on the horizon, the kids appeared from their room, the land where video games go to die. Hearing the rattle of bags in the kitchen, the dogs rushed past the boys to get their shopping day surprise, knocking the bag holding my clandestine purchase out of my hand and sending the bottle of storebought water rolling across the floor.
“What’s this?” (Why is it that gleefulness can sometimes be more irritating than being swerved Scampi with shells still on the shrimp?) “You’re cheating on the grocery budget with. . .SmartWater?” He was happier than a Collie in a cow pasture with all day free to roll.
I had the decency to harbor a bit of embarrassment. “Okay, I’ve been drinking SmartWater. But so far, it hasn’t helped.”
ROTFLMAO. I laughed so hard, I started coughing again. :)
Methinks you don't need any Smart Water for help! That was hilarious, as usual.
Bill and my hubby could possibly be related... Mine swears all bottled water comes from pig-wallows.
"There are no secrets in our marriage." <-- Why is the point where I lol'd?
Amy, you're hilarious. :) I'm with ya on the water thing, but I do admit to having one of those faucet-mounted filters. I draw the line at "flavored water." (Like that's new! When I was a kid, we called it Kool Aid!)
Then again, I do have a coupon...
Btw, congrats on the upcoming column!
OH MY GOD!!! ROFL you crack me up DoodlePants.. I'm still dying.
I am now offically hooked to your blog. Your stories are well done, not to mention genuinely funny.
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