I get e-mails from The Home Depot Garden Club, which is kind
of like Jack the Ripper subscribing to Hooters R Us.
The newest edition to hit my inbox is offering suggestions
that will enable me to annihilate plants during the winter months as well as during
the balmy days of summer.
I don’t need
much help sending plants down the garden path anytime, but it seems like the
colder months would serve as beginner level floracide. However, the experts suggest I plant winter
greens at this time. Since I didn’t
plant anything that stayed green in June, I’m looking forward to giving November a try. Everything will be brown by then, so my yard will fit right in.
My Gardening Guru suggests I plant a nice patch of arugula,
which sounds to me like either a choice vacation destination somewhere that
serves drinks with a variety of tropical fruit garnishes, or an indication of
nasal drainage.
I’m also supposed to seize the opportunity to divide my perennials. I’m not entirely sure what perennials are, but there’s talk about a root ball that I wouldn’t bring up in mixed company.
One of the sections described proper care for my power
equipment. I’m not allowed to use a hair
dryer without a license. I cannot
imagine a situation where I would be set loose with a leaf blower without an
Emergency Responder standing by for immediate action in case my Bermuda grass
goes South.
I did use a string trimmer
once to even up the grassy fringe along the driveway. Now there’s a stone nestled beside a stand of
oxymorons that resembles a first grade macramé project.
The Garden Club is adamant that now is the time to begin
composting. I’ve finally found an area
where I can excel.
If piling trash is an avenue to luscious landscaping, I’ve
been a master gardener for years.
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